Ratio, Stats & Probability - GCSE Maths Higher Course
This course covers GCSE Ratio, Statistic & Probability topics
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How to use this course
Lesson 1: Simplifying Ratios
Lesson 2: Sharing Ratios
Lesson 3: Percentages
Lesson 4: Percentage Change
Lesson 5: Proportion
Lesson 6: Best Buys
Quiz 1
Lesson 7: Two way tables
Lesson 8: Frequency Tree Part 1
Lesson 9: Frequency Tree part 2
Lesson 10: Probability Tree
Lesson 11: Compound Interest
Quiz 2
Lesson 12: direct and inverse proportion
Lesson 13: Probability
Lesson 14: Frequency Table
Lesson 15: Boxplots
Lesson 16: Cumulative Frequency
Quiz 3
Lesson 17: Capture recapture
Lesson 18: Conditional Probability
Lesson 19: Probability equations
Quiz: End of Module Quiz